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Old 08-11-2005, 01:15 PM
Maier Maier is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 44
Default Theory Post: On position

I think I understand the advantages of position to a certain extent, but not fully. To me, it means the following:

- it allows you to pick up more small pots
- allows you to stack other players easier as you control the betting
- more information on each round (since you get to see how other players react to card before they see your action).
- pot control since you can end the action on each round with a marginal holding while you cannot OOP. helpful with one pair holdings.

Especially in situations when bad cards come (3 flushes), being in positions prevents you from making pot sized mistakes like having the pot taken away from you with air when you check OOP or betting into the pot when your OOP has made the hand and geting raised. It seems like the major advantage of position is being able to call/bet/check whereas OOP your checking options arent gaunranteed.

Your ability to not check and end the action and move on to the next round seems to be the major thing because this keeps you from making pot-sized mistakes with margianal holdings like one-pair or low two pair. OOP you can check, but if your oppenant bets (having been encouraged to bet by either your check or strong holding) you are then "put to the decision" to make either a pot-sized fold or a pot-sized call, both of which could be mistakes.

Now, if you are in position and a scare card comes, and now your oppenant bets, its more likely that he does have it, given the givens that oppenants typically bet wit hstrong hands and will more likely check OOP when a scare card hits, you can more correctly make the right pot-sized move (fold) (or call and draw to your appropriate outs).

Could we talk about position? I would like to hear your thoughts
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