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Old 08-11-2005, 08:18 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default You Give Me Fever

It would be a mistake to focus exclusively on the chemical/corporeal aspect of love's manifestation. Waski's post about the release of endorphin in our body explains not the cause but the symptoms of love.

We cannot discount the knowledge we have acquired from psychology and philosophy. When I fall in love, I do so for a variety of reasons:

I fall in love with the Idol of the Other;
I am attracted to the Other's ability to help me reproduce my genes (even if I do not intend to have children with the Other, or at least not explicitly or immediately) - that's why men mostly prefer women with large as opposed to thin hips, in general;
I am identifying someone who is willing to be My Mirror, metaphorically (go back and listen to the song);
Damned if I know;

Consciousness is the trait that sets us apart from the other animals. We cannot ignore that aspect when we try to define one of our unique practices.
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