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Old 08-10-2005, 10:30 PM
DVaut1 DVaut1 is offline
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Default I don\'t think q/q is out of line here

Despite the objections of some here, I really don't think q/q’s question is a bad question to ask. I think it should give us all some pause, regardless of whatever partisan motives he had.

Despite all the criticism q/q is taking, I've only seen two responses:

- leighguy's "my cousin is there/what about the tax base?"
- FishHook's "I'd rather be at college"

Frankly, despite the criticism FishHooks took, at least he was honest. He more or less said he has better things to do. Perhaps we can fault him for such an attitude – but I know it’s an attitude shared by many, including those who have voiced strong support for this war.

To leighguy, I would say that: 1) you're not your cousin 2) I doubt that you didn't enlist because of concern over the tax base that helps fund the war. I realize your point wasn't about your own personal reasons, but I can promise that anyone who has had the option to enlist, but didn't - they didn't decline enlistment out of concern for the tax base. Perhaps this is a legitimate reason for our elected leaders to try to dissuade us from fighting – but given that it appears our fighting forces could use the man-power - this reason (we need people at home to keep the tax base strong) is just preposterous, give the facts about current situation.

I'll be honest: unless I'm drafted, or feel compelled to go fight in a war, I'll never enlist. And I don’t feel compelled to go fight in this war. I have absolutely no moral, ethical, or otherwise legitimate reason for not enlisting other than I don't feel like it. I've got a wife, a job, a comfortable life - I just don't feel like going. I assume some people here are going to say that I’m despicable to say such a thing, and truth be told, they’re probably right. I’m really just freeloading off the sacrifices of others.

I'm not sure if q/q is arguing this or not but - the fact that I have absolutely no interest in going to fight should legitimately moderate my support for any war. I don't think it's fair for me to claim support for a war that I've got no interest in fighting – only to send others off to die in my stead. I think ‘moderate my support’ is putting it lightly: it really would border on out and out hypocrisy for me to support a war I’ve got no interest in fighting myself.

In that vein, I think it’s legitimate to call out non-soldiers who claim to have strong support for this war, and ask them for a reason why they’re not off fighting too. I’d assume some have legitimate reasons for not fighting – but similarly, I would assume many don’t. And for those who don’t, I think they have to think long and hard about how they square their support for the war with their unwillingness to fight.
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