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Old 08-10-2005, 04:26 PM
witeknite witeknite is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Finally at Party
Posts: 121
Default HULA ML Week 2 Results

Good job to everyone on the success of our first week. Everything went quite well. Here are the results of the first week.

Goofball vs. Dave44 - Dave44 wins 5-0
WiteKnite vs. Raisins - Raisins wins 3-2
Climber vs. bds - bds wins 3-2
TMFS9 vs. Baronzeus - TMFS9 wins 3-2
stealthcow vs. ihardlyknowher - ihardlyknowher wins either 4-1 or 3-2 (one match was delayed)

This week's matches are:


Home team captains, when you have made your picks, send the info to the opposing team's captain as soon as you can.

Also, there was some confusion the first week about the blinds doubling after one hour. Climber and I discussed this in the schedule thread, but I think some might have missed it. It was decided that the blinds should double after one hour. This is handled by getting up from one table and sitting down at another with half the stack size as at the first table.

Please PM Climber or I if you have any questions. Also, I can be reached on AIM at WiteKnite44.

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