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Old 08-10-2005, 09:24 AM
SeaEagle SeaEagle is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Default Re: Leaks: What are the warning signs?

What I'm trying to find out is whether anyone has a systematic approach to leak diagnosis. Clearly most everyone here regularly thinks about improving their game.

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I'm really anal about my PT stats. I'm always comparing them to "norms" and wherever I'm off, or whenever I drift off, I search to see if it's being caused by a leak.

I posted several months ago about how PT helped me identify a leak in the way I played KQ.

More recently, I saw my aggression slip. Over a 10K hand stretch, I was more aggressive on the river than on the flop. As it turns out, I'd gotten into the habit of taking off a card more often the I should have. So I was calling too much on the flop and by the river I had either made my draw or missed it, so I was either betting or folding.

Both of these items were pretty big leaks that I wouldn't have discovered without having PT point out that maybe I should be looking closer at certain aspects of my play.

I have to give a huge caveat here, though. You have to be very careful that you don't use stats to cure "leaks" that aren't really there. In my case, I'm lucky enough to have a couple of friends who are very good players. I'm able to say to them "PT says this. Can you look at some of my hands and tell me if you think PT's on to something?" More often then not, they'll take a look and say "No, your play looks fine. It's probably just variance."
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