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Old 08-10-2005, 01:32 AM
erc007 erc007 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 33
Default Re: At what point do I get away from this non-nut flush draw?

I think that your flop call is fine, with any flush draw (w/2 cards to come) you only need to be getting 2 to 1 from the pot. The turn card is scary b/c it fills an open ended straight draw (78 hole cards.) Nevertheless, you are getting great odds on your draw (6 to 1) from the pot. If you didn't have position this would be a really hard call, but you do, and you are getting 6 to 1, when you only need 4 to 1 (9 outs) to break-even. Even if one other player was drawing to a flush, you're still getting the right price to draw to 7 outs.
If you put either player on a set, that takes away two of your outs, but the price is still right. I can't see folding this draw on the turn.
The river is a questionable call IMO. You are calling a $10 bet to chop, and in that case, you are not getting the right odds. Instead of the 4 to 1 that you would be getting to win, your actual pot odds are only 2 to 1. I think that the board might not be good here 33% of the time.
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