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Old 08-09-2005, 09:52 PM
slamdunkpro slamdunkpro is offline
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Default Re: Should churches be tax exempt? Poll

Mark this day – A split in the vast right wing conspiracy!

That warning posted – I disagree

The same could be said of all non-profits. We should not discriminate against churches. If you want to tax Arts, social service, unions, and all other non-profits, then ok. But churches are legitimate non-profits and selective taxation of non-profits is politically motivated.

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I don’t believe the objective here is to discriminate against churches. All non-profits and not-for-profits have to file tax returns. Certain activities and acquisitions are both taxable and/or prohibited. Lobbying is one of them. Non-profits are supposed to be non-partisan(this is why the NAACP is in hot water over the Kerry business). That’s why groups like the NAACP, the NRA. AARP, and other non or not for profits have a separate arm for lobbying which is not a non profit - they pay taxes. The NRA ‘s is the ILA; I don’t know what the NAACP’s is.

Churches acquire vast amounts of art treasures, land, and money, yet are non-accountable in what they spend it on. This has led to abuse. Opening the books would be very revealing. I’d just like them to follow the rules for all the other non-profits.
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