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Old 08-05-2003, 11:56 AM
Gus Gus is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 39
Default Re: Results

Actually I dont think the big stack call is marginal, he would make a mistake not calling, as he definitely has the odds against any cards (apart from AK, AA, KK and QQ). From his point of view, if he looses no big deal... with 7000 left he can just go back into his shell and wait for 10 smaller stack to bust out. If however he wins the coin flip two very good things happen:

_ He knock an opponent out (only 9 to go then), without having a small stack doubling up
_ He increased his stack to a very comfortable size, so he can take more coin-flip against small stacks

When a reasonnable player open-raise from UTG, he probably has a hand that will give him the odds to call the re-raise of a small-stack if the guy is all-in.

From the hero point of view... he put his money in the pot when he had the best of it, and he definitely needed to double through if he thinks he's got no chance of being in the money by just waiting. So I would say both players played it fine actually... does that actualy make sense?
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