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Old 08-08-2005, 06:57 PM
Angrymoog Angrymoog is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 45
Default Re: I think I should check this turn...??

I think this is a bit of a close choice.

On one hand, if you bet now, you may cause someone to fold and buy some overcard outs(maybe). Also you get the option to lead again on the river for a bluff when you miss which youd only have to win 1 in 7 I beleive. Kinda dependand on read, which you don\'t have. This is the more risky play.

On the other hand, you could check which most players in micro limits do not do with a flush draw. If UTG2 bets, you can call, and checkraise him for another bet on the river when you hit, possibly even trapping BB for an extra big bet too, but fold when you miss.

I think I like option 2 best.
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