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Old 08-08-2005, 12:58 PM
jb9 jb9 is offline
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Posts: 136
Default Re: Where does the money come from?

some of it is gambling addiction, sure, but for the rest, we're trying to get our heads around WHY they keep coming back for more.

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For some people, it is simply disposable money that if they don't spend it on gambling they will spend it on something else (expensive dinners, wine, theater tickets, football tickets, new paint job for car, new stereo system, lawn ornaments, 100s of DVDs they will only watch once), but one way or another it is getting spent on "fun".

Have you ever gone to a big casino on a weekend night and seen 100s of people at the slot machines? Or the people losing 100s of dollars at blackjack and roulette and craps?

Many of those people know they are likely to lose their money, but it's fun to gamble. So if you like gambling and can afford it, why not risk a little $$$ to have a little fun? Besides, you might win...
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