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Old 08-08-2005, 07:04 AM
pudley4 pudley4 is offline
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Default Re: Heartland tourney at Jackpot Junction next weekend

The "satellites" (for lack of a better term) seemed ok - we started with 10k in chips, blinds 25/50, moved up every 30 minutes. They went 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, 200/400, 300/600, 400/800, 500/1000, then the antes kicked in 1k/2k + 100a, 2k/4k+ 200a, 3k/6k + 300a, and we finished at 4k/8k + 400a.

In the "main event", we started with 30,000 in chips and blinds 500/1000. Same increase in blinds, except they didn't start the antes right away, they waited for a few rounds. We ended up at 6/12k when we got to the final 6. Then for the TV table, they moved the blinds back to 3k/6k to give us a little more play.

Overall it was run very well, the blinds were good except for the first part of the main event - those blinds were high considering our chip counts.

We also agreed to pay everyone who made the main event. They originally only paid the top 25, but we voted overwhelmingly to pay all 39 players who made it through. Although they ended up with smaller payouts, it was probably worth it, since it prevented a lot of stalling to get in the money, and there was more action since players were less afraid to bust out.
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