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Old 08-08-2005, 06:30 AM
Claunchy Claunchy is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: Comparing and evaluating music.

Music's always going to be largely subjective, but I think there are ways to differenciate between good and bad music without necessarily being a theory expert. People who are well-versed in theory typically have little use for pop music anyway, as most of it's very simplistic. Perhaps someone else will come along and explain this more eloquently than I can, but here are some things I look for in good music.

Is the music somewhat inventive or completely contrived? It's naive to think that any pop/rock artist is "totally original," but some are definitely more inventive than others.

Also, how are the lyrics? They don't necessarily have to compare to great poetry or anything, but are they clever or interesting? Do they make you feel something on a level greater than that of a high school sophomore (or QLC poster)?

Live shows are a good criterion too. I've seen bands that I thought were mediocre on recording only to be blown away by their energy on stage.

Hope this was somewhat helpful.
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