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Old 08-07-2005, 08:56 PM
djoyce003 djoyce003 is offline
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Posts: 139
Default Re: Knowing anothers hand enough to overcome your piss poor hand

worth it in no limit not worth it in limit because you can't fold them off their hand no matter what, and u can't win enough on the times you flop a monster.

If you know he has AA you can call in no limit with virtually any 2 cards as long as his preflop raise is small enough because if you catch, you are getting all his money and if you don't, you are just losing the preflop raise. In limit you are calling the raise and if you are lucky can get 3-8 bigbets out of him with your monster...if he's truly crizazy you might get more than that but its doubtful.
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