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Old 08-07-2005, 08:11 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 8
Default Re: How to Get Rid of Jealousy?

I'm not going to give advice but these are my thoughts on jealousy (not my own thoughts because obviously many others have studied and done research on this developing legitimate reasons behind the nature of jealous).

From an evolutionary perspective, we have been selected through millions of years to be JEALOUS. WE are supposed to be jealous. Our male ancestors who did not get jealous and overprotective over our female counterparts would eventually lose out on the passage of their genes. As a result, since we're still alive today, it is most likely (not likely but a fact) that our forbears were very jealous and its successful consequences have resulted in: you, me, and everyone else alive today.

Therefore, look at it like this. It's good to be jealous. You will get horrific images that you girlfriend is getting stooped by another guy. In David Buss's articles on jealous (if you want to learn more about jealousy, look him up..he's basically the leader on the topic), he proved that for men #1 thing they're most jealous about is their mate getting shtooped by another male. While for females, it's emotional infidelity not physical per say. As bad as it sounds (and obviously I don't advocate this), if the male cheats on his gf, the gf won't get as bothered as if you were imagining you were boning someone else while boning her.

I guess I conclude this as accepting the status quo to your feelings. You're supposed to be overprotective. In fact, girls and guys like making their counterparts jealous. They don't consciously try to, but it's a good way for them to induce their mate to show he/she is faithful and emotionally invested.
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