Thread: critique pls
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Old 08-07-2005, 01:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: critique pls

betting out and semi-bluffing is fine but keep in mind its a torny, and you cant afford to lose 1/5 of ur stack on a semibluff, followed by half of ur remaining chips on the turn.
y would u possibly bet 20 chips into a 16 pot like that, if you control the size of your pots esp early in a torny you will go alot farther. $40 into a $56 on the turn isnt bad at all but if u thought a bit more about ur bet amounts and what they were going to accomplish u could have had a better result. a 15 then 25 or even 8 and 15 or 8 and 12 do the same thing.
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