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Old 08-07-2005, 12:25 AM
Dan Druff Dan Druff is offline
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Default Re: Wynn 150-300 -- I hate limit hold\'em


But reading past the tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, it appears that you might honestly believe I was portraying myself to be some sort of "table hero" by accusing the guy of being a fake drunk. I wasn't.

The guy was acting so clueless that it was holding up the game. He kept putting out $400 bets on the flop (in a 150-300 game), and then yelled at the dealer when she pused back $250 of his bet, "But I wanna bet thissshhhhh muccchhhh". Each hand was dragging out (at least the few he chose to play at the time), and given that he was super-tight despite his "drunk" state, I strongly suspected a phony.

Live play is slow enough without a fake drunk slowing down the game. Honestly, it looked so much like a horribly acted Hollywood job than a true drunk, judging from the first 10 minutes or so. I called him out on his act because everyone else was whispering their suspicions anyway, and it was slowing down the game. Basically, it was really annoying to watch, and it lost its comedic value after about a minute. I wasn't trying to be the protector of the table, nor was I stating something that everyone else didn't already suspect.

Of course, now that I think of it, it's interesting that BOTH "The Gift" and the fat drunk confused the game for being NL.

You know what they say. Great minds think alike.
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