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Old 08-06-2005, 11:29 PM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default that\'s a darn right jiffy idea - rough draft

For JBB - since I already wrote most of the FAQ post anyway, how about this for an addition...

Underage players and fake ID: Basically, don't do it. Although casinos don't card young players that often, they might, and you're much better off with NO ID than with a fake one. If you have NO ID, you'll probably be immediately asked to leave, and won't be allowed back until you can produce ID. They'll be checking it closely next time you show up, that's for sure. However, if you produce a false ID and get caught, you could be in for a world of trouble. The exact laws vary from place to place, but rest assured that no place is going to be very nice about this situation. All places will confiscate your ID, and you could suffer anything from being banned to being taken downtown in a squad car facing hefty charges.

Basically, my advice to underage readers is this - if you're already posting on 2+2, obviously you have access to the internet, so PLAY ONLINE. Don't mess with casinos, they don't have much of a sense of humor, and you're in for a world of hurt if your "fake ID plan" doesn't work out like you thought it would. Online casinos will probably be equally unpleasant if you're caught gambling underage there; your account will almost certainly be frozen. Best advice, DON'T GAMBLE UNDERAGE.

Anyone with comments / edits please do elaborate in great detail....

JBB, if you think it's "ready" then add it to the FAQ.

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