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Old 08-06-2005, 02:50 PM
x2ski x2ski is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 195
Default Waiting for the Blinds before Sitting Out

This has probably been asked before (maybe even by me), but I am wondering how many of you wait for the Blinds to come back around to you before sitting out or leaving the table altogether.

The reason I ask is that I now have a newborn in the house and, although my wife is home to help, she will need my assistance from time to time while I'm playing.

So to all you mathematical geniuses out there, how much would I be losing in the long-run if an emergency comes up that requires me to sit out immediately? Since I have already paid for the orbit that I am now sitting out mid-way through (sometimes even on the Button [OMFG that would suck!], I assume I am losing expectation from the hands owed me.

I figure there are a lot of ins, a lot of outs and a lot of what-have-yous involved, but there must be some average loss over time that can be figured out.

I guess this would also apply to a bad table. Are you better off leaving immediately once you determine the table to suck or should you still wait for the Blinds? I am assuming the latter.

Thanks for your help
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