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Old 08-06-2005, 02:26 PM
Dbldaggers Dbldaggers is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Default Re: Look Mom/Dad I won 12K

I agree with Dave. Keep it a hobby. Don't bring it up to your parents. If you consistantly win and decide to go pro in the future, deal with the issue then.

It is hard enough to handle the monetary swings in this game with out having a family harping on you when you take a negative down swing.

Your Father is concerned because most people lose money playing poker. Being a very successful Doctor, he is most likely extremely bright and set in his opinions.

It will take several years and some huge wins to convince a professional like him your poker playing is worthwhile.

With a history of not caring about grades, you really set yourself up for coming across as irresponsible when you sing the praises of poker.

I am not trying to be mean here.

Good luck in poker, but when you move out drop the guilt and keep it as a hobby.

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