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Old 08-06-2005, 01:35 PM
TStoneMBD TStoneMBD is offline
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Default Re: What is the smallest offense that people should be sued over?

the court system is retarded. people should only be able to sue for serious issues, and in general when someone slips and breaks their neck because of a wet spot it should be considered tough luck instead of having an honest man liable for her million dollar compensation.

youre right, the current court system is a waste of lawyers and judges. however, thats idiot america for you. we need people to have jobs that serve no beneficial purpose so that they are not on unemployment and more importantly, those useless jobs allows money to be retaxed.

american capitalism is retarded. the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, but these ridiculous lawsuits are one of few forms in which the poor get richer and the rich get poorer.

politicians have been talking about court reform for a long time, but i dont think it will ever be reformed to the level that it needs to be simply because american politics are based on the belief that the constitution resembles the perfect government and therefore the constitution does not adapt properly like it should. just because a few smart guys sat down and wrote a document 250 years ago doesnt mean that it doesnt have flaws.

after reading my post it seems that this thread belongs in politics :P
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