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Old 08-06-2005, 01:31 PM
djoyce003 djoyce003 is offline
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Default Re: What is the smallest offense that people should be sued over?

well what steve said could be construed as sexual harrassment. Unfortunately, any sexual related talk in the workplace can be...that is the definition. Now the context of what steve said it *might* not have been as offensive as it sounds to an outside observer who just heard the one part, but believe me, I wouldn't want to have to repeat what he said to his subordinate on a witness stand in court. In my opinion if Steve were to fire this guy for his "you are a queer" crack, then the dude would be completely within his rights to sue, and in fact probably should seeing as how the guy doing the firing committed an act worse than the one that he got fired for. If both parties were fired, I don't think either should sue because they both got what they deserved.

Personally, the lamest things I can think of for suing are the people that do something moronic and then they or their relatives sue. Example...where I live a guy was driving a jet-ski down a channel and jumping boat wakes with it. Great fun i'm sure. He sees a big boat wake...jumps the wake to where he lands behind the boat that was leaving the wake...problem being, another boat right behind that one runs right into him and killing him deader than a hammer. His family sues the guy driving the boat that killed him. The boat that killed him didn't do anything wrong, and couldn't see him or stop in time no matter what they tried to do....don't know how the case came out, but it's a prime example of someone doing something stupid, and then not accepting any responsibility for what they did.
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