Thread: BB w/ 88
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Old 08-05-2005, 03:10 PM
Aviston Aviston is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 96
Default Re: BB w/ 88

For some reason this river bet has been bothering me all morning. My thoughts:

On this flop, I have two types of hands calling me here. Those that hit something on the flop and are willing to call me all the way down in typical passive UB fashion (one player did have A3o, case in point). The other type of hands would be flush and straight draws which obviously did not hit on the river. I can only assume that any bet by me would fold those players meaning I'd gain nothing from them with a river bet. On the other hand, with the 5 pairing, someone calling down with a 5 would now have the opportunity to raise me with their trips. Coupled with the Q overcard on the turn, I'm thinking that c/c might have been a decent line.

On the other hand, the only person who showed any aggression was the SB, and he has already checked the river through. I'd certainly hate to see two more checks behind me, so as of now, I'm leaning towards betting like I did. Hrmmm, I've confused myself....meh.
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