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Old 08-05-2005, 02:18 PM
tiltaholic tiltaholic is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7
Default Re: Variation between limits

personally I think it is a combo of 2 things. I think I was significantly luckier at .5/1 than I am currently at 1/2. Other than that though, I think I either have uncovered a leak or althogether created one because of my .5/1 play. My went to SD % is much higher at 1/2, my win % at SD is lower, and my fold to river bet is lower. All of these show to me that I am facing more agression at 1/2 and not believe what they are telling me. At .5/1 I was ALWAYS king of the table, and when I got raised it always meant a fish just hit the nuts. At 1/2 there are actually players who raise top pair and raise AK PF. IMAGINE THAT. After datamining I have come to the conclusion that luck has played some factor, (AA has won a good 35% less at 1/2 than at .5/1) But I think that I also might be spewing on the later streets with UI AK or JJ on a board with 2 overs. On the other hand I think that I have become tighter and more agressive, I just have to control the agression more now that not EVERYONE is calling with nothing.

[/ QUOTE ] many hands are we talking about here??

personally, i think that the tone of your post is disturbing. the stats you cited have little or nothing to do with aggression and are unlikely to be converged to a meaningful number at this point. how exactly are you datamining to come to the conclusion that "luck" has played a role in your results? WAIT. luck can determine results in poker?? so, are you saying you are suffering from bad luck?

do you honestly think your only leak is spewing on later streets with AK or with JJ and 2 overcards? in fact, your leaks are likely leaks BECAUSE you have not or cannot identify them.
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