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Old 08-05-2005, 02:11 AM
DavidC DavidC is offline
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Default HU LHE Defending BB (comparison between 1/2 and 1/3 SB)

Way off-topic, but...

I just read the first three pages of HPFAP's HUSH LHE section, and I have a few questions/observations at this point.

In Sklansky's scenario, he assumes that the blinds are 1/2 and that the (SB&Button) villain is raising your BB.

Observation: I found it interesting that you have to base your calling frequency on HIS pot odds, rather than on your pot/implied odds in the hand. This is really cool.


Question #1:

Since villain gets 1:1 pot odds, Sklansky says that the villain's insta-profit line is 50% or less calling frequency from the hero.

If we were to use 1/3 blinds (3/6 LHE), then villain gets 1:0.8 pot odds, and the insta-profit line becomes 44.44% (0.8/1.8), right?


Question #2:

Sklansky says that villain doesn't even have to bet the flop unless he hits if you call less than 33% of the time.

In a 1/3 blinds game, this becomes 30.77% (0.8/2.6) of the time, right?


Anyways, interesting read...
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