Thread: My 2 years
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Old 08-04-2005, 08:56 PM
Klepton Klepton is offline
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Default Re: My 2 years

Nice post, but I can't help but asking - did you ever got caught stealing a bike?

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i was trying to keep this post serious, but i guess i could tell you some stories of bike stealing.

most people dont lock their bikes and just keep them in the back of their houses. so after a night of drinking one of my friends would keep watch while i searched for an unlocked bike. i found one, and started walking it with me along the edge of the house. all of a sudden a guy pops out from around the corner with a girl, and it looks like he's gonna get some upstairs.

he sees me and the bike and goes "hey, that's my bike." all calm as can be, probably to not freak out the girl.

i go "what, this is my bike i left it here at matt's (total bs) house"

he goes "no dude, this is my bike, how unfortunate for you."

that line cracked my friends up for days, but after he said that, i said "fine i'll just pick it up tomrorow if you're gonna get all weird on me."

i walked about 10 feet and then we bolted. problem solved.
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