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Old 08-04-2005, 05:12 PM
molawn2mo molawn2mo is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 103
Default Poker education similar to Sex education?

I thought to post the following in this forum rather than in the Psych Forum (though I may give that a shot, too) because I suspect that you, Ootiots, would tend to be younger than those frequenting most other forums and I want more "youthful" feedback even at the risk of subjecting myself to GodKnowsWhat!

Ootiots.... Your thoughts on the following:

Background is....I have taught my kids ages 15/13/9 some of the very basics of limit holdem. We have delved into math and probability. We have discussed the real basics of game theory and psychology. This "education" began as a way of helping my kids with their math homework. It then developed into a bonding/fun experience for all. It broadened their math skills and to that end it was, somewhat, successful. One child, in particular, clearly improved his grades due to the discipline of having to do his homework and play poker with Dad.

OK Ootiots... am I creating a big problem in the near future (in high school and thence college) by "condoning" gambling? As an aside, I spend a goodly amount of effort denouncing "gambling" per say. I stress that poker is a mathematical and psychological effort differentiating same from "games of chance." We talk about this constantly. The kids, of course, at their ages do not really understand the difference, but I do stress it.

Can I rationalize my behavior by saying that since poker is pretty much universally played in HS and college, my kids should become, at the very least, somewhat proficient and, hopefully, kickass. I mean, if you are going to do something albeit sports, school, work, you might as well do it well and to the best of your ability. I truly believe that.

Am I a retard? Am I creating a Frankenstein that I will not be able to control or at least guide. Am I contributing to the potential degeneracy of my kids?

Is it fair to analogize poker with sex? That is, since it is beneficial to speak with the kids frankly about sex, offering them literature and condoms/birth control if they choose to not abstain wouldn't my educating the kids about poker be considered as similarly beneficial?

Or... am I a selfish bastard who likes to play poker just a little too much and is jeopardizing their well-being?

What say you?

I am leaving my office now and will not be able to respond for a couple of hours.
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