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Old 08-04-2005, 03:50 PM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: The real difference in the 2 party\'s economic policy

Never read the book, but I will try to answer some of the questions:

1) Debatable. I of course have my opinion on this, but it's still debatable. And there are many different policies.

2) Taxation, spending, trade, and entitlements. It should be noted there is little difference between the two parties in practice, they are all idiots, but there are differences in theory.

3) The average persons judgement has nothing to do with economic understanding. Studies could back that assertion up. The average person votes for a person for the same reasons they buy Coke over Pepsi, consumer appeal.

4) A lot of the big questions are matters of opinion. Like wether we want to maximize the pie or distribute it more equally. Do we want to tax income or property. Which government programs are essential and which aren't. What are "property rights". These are value judgements.

However, some ideas and policies are just plain stupid, like farm subsidies or minimum wage. People who support them do so to gain popularity or funding not because they are legitamate in any way.

5) You have to ask yourself, we all have an opinion on this one.
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