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Old 08-04-2005, 01:27 PM
NCAces NCAces is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Cary, NC
Posts: 77
Default Re: How much money do you need?



Possessing a large amount of money, land, or other material possessions: affluent, flush, moneyed, rich. Slang loaded. Idioms: having money to burn, in the money, made of money, rolling in money. See rich/poor.

you can claim that wealth is merely whatever extra you have to spend, but the definition of wealthy is the total amount, and the top 5% of wage earners have more than everyone else, regardless of how mismanaged that WEALTH is. it is still wealth.

the smart argument would be to compare your per capita income in your area to what you make, and argue from there. if your per capita income is $300k but the per capita in your area is $250k, then sure, you aren't rolling rich, but compared to the rest of america, you probably have many more belongings and perks. compared to your area though, you're only in slightly better shape than the avg, which is the argument you seem to be trying to represent.

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Hey, thanks for telling me what my "smart" argument would be. You might work on your own, and not worry so much about mine. You define wealth, which doesn't in any way mention income, and then state they two are the same. If you can't understand the difference between wealth and income, it is not possible to discuss or debate these issues with you. I certainly understand how the two are related ... you should try understanding how they are different in the context of both the OP and the subsequent threadjack. You simply can't ignore the difference.

As to what my argument is, re-read the thread. I am simply saying that grandgnu is misrepresenting the composition of the top 5% of wage earners. He seems to think they are all rich, robber barons who accumulated their wealth through inheritence or other unsavory means that hold everyone else down. Maybe that is true for the top .05%, but it isn't for most of the top 5%.

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