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Old 08-04-2005, 09:03 AM
Tropex Tropex is offline
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Default Re: Early desicion...

heh, my point being, why would I risk it all early when I will get better spots later on. Of course decisions like these occur very often but the pros are also not so willing to put in their whole stack at risk, let's say you put on your WHOLE stack at risk, 3 times in an MTT with this kind of probability. The probability that you win all of these is about 30%. Add a few and it's significantly lower.

And against AK, it's almost a coinflip anyway, against KK and AA I'm totally dominated. Do I want to risk everything early on or rather win a lot of smaller pots, maybe get my opponent all-in when I actually have a monster postflop as well.

Many people play TV-poker and seem to have a similar attitude as well. All-in is the only reasonable raise etc. This guy obviously was playing that way. If he wanted to scaer me off the pot, he shouldn't have risked his whole stack for doing so.

But let's see the odds. I'm about 2.5 to 1 favourite or something to win the hand and I'm 9 to 1 for my muny. Does anyone else see my point here?
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