Thread: New Orleans
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Old 08-04-2005, 05:50 AM
CD56 CD56 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 114
Default Re: New Orleans

I went to Tulane for undergrad, i can't think of a better place to spend your 18-21 years. The city caters to basically everything that you want to do during that period of your life. The only problem is some people never get over it. I've been out of NO for like 4 years now, but I have plenty of friends that are still there treading water in life, and i think the city has a big part to do with it.

I agree with the previous response about the cities problems with corruption/crime/general infrastructure issues.

I still try and go back at least once a year to visit, to me it is the epitome of a place that is fun to visit, but I'm not sure I could ever live in for a really long time, or raise a family there.

If you're thinking of heading down i recommend sometime early in Jazz-fest, that was always my favorite time of year there.
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