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Old 08-04-2005, 04:13 AM
dirty moose dirty moose is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: nyc
Posts: 70
Default Re: Books to read to hone a aggressive/hyper aggressive style?

I think most of the books on the market do 2 things, teach the 1)TAG style 2)have a few pages on the super agg style. I guess most authors think its the safest and "smartest" way to play a tournment; get you money in when you have the best of it.

Heres what i think will help you, set aside a few bucks you dont mind losing and play some LL SNG'S and do alot of raising and see how it works out for you. I dont "think" theres a book out there just for a super agg style, but plelase dont quote me on that one.


As for getting deep into a tourny and losing or bubblling, this could be some bad luck or something else i see alot, 10 spots from the money, poeple seems to stop playing, they go into flod everything but AA and KK, this is the time to switch to being an AGG player, i think youll find alot of people around the AVG stack that dont think its a big deal to let people run over them. Take advantage of this, yes its a gamble and yes you might get played back @, but you trying to win the thing, not just make the money. Keep that in mind when its getting late
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