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Old 08-04-2005, 01:07 AM
ClaytonN ClaytonN is offline
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Default I think I\'m just gonna have a regular job next summer

...seriously, when I look at things.

Let's say I take two-three months off from poker to get things together at college 1st semester freshman year.

At this point, I'll prob have about $1750 net worth (I just bought an ipod mini).

The most I can see risking out of this would be $300ish, and it would have to involve .5/1.

At this point, is there really any point at all, when you take the time I could be playing poker and put it towards other stuff, like working out more, studying, etc.?

If I had a higher level of seed money (if that's how you put it), I could understand taking some time to play some extra poker to get some extra spending money. But right now my roll would be so low, that the EV that would come from making that wouldn't match other things in life that is more EV, so to speak.

This means I have to have a normal job next summer, I think. Maybe by next fall I could take aside an extra $1k and make something of it, but not this fall.
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