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Old 08-04-2005, 12:22 AM
Saint_D Saint_D is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 96
Default Re: If you are going to grunch, at least read the bloody thread afterwards

This is just a little rant about grunching. Its all very well, useful, helpful to your game and all that, but quite honestly, if you are going to do it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the thread afterwards, and chime in with some relevant comments after you've heard what everyone else had to say. It seems like people are grunching for the sake of it, and then moving on to the next one without thinking about it. Also, there is quite often a meaningful, profound discussion going on, which has already looked at several points of view. Why not add to this after you have posted your kneejerk reaction? It would help your game even more to get involved in some serious examinations of the hand, rather than just saying "I fold preflop, raise the flop and bet the turn, folding to a raise." That is all.

PS This has nothing to do at all with me spending ages on a post
and then having it bypassed.

PPS, I know you are all going to hate me (even more???) but this had to be said.

[/ QUOTE ]

You should fold the turn UI against an unknown. Do you see why?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahah, funny.

Seriously, the hamster has a point. I often grunch, then read the thread. Realize I got nothin' else and move on. So don't hate all us grunchers. If the discussion is already pretty well covered, what do you want?

I do dislike "fold pre-flo, bet the turn, fold the river" posts. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY tell us WHY do you recomend your line?

If you aren't Slansky saying "do you see why?" is stealing his schtick.

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