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Old 08-03-2005, 02:15 PM
Bartholow Bartholow is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Cleveland, OH
Posts: 67
Default Re: shorthanded 20/40 I found interesting

Honestly I had a hard time knowing what to think. I think at the time I was going for a checkraise, though I might have been planning to wait till 5th to raise. At any rate, I can't see an aggressive player checking a 4 flush there, or slowplaying anything really, so I'm having a real hard time putting seat 6 on a hand. In the end I'd have to say he was just getting too fancy and decided to slow down. I'd say the bring-in probably has a pair of eights though it could be anything. All of which makes me not like the free card, though I like how big of a mistake someone with just a pair under queens will be making on 5th street if they put in two bets.
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