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Old 08-02-2005, 08:41 PM
JihadOnTheRiver JihadOnTheRiver is offline
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Default Re: \"Islam is a peaceful religion\"

I can pull scriptures out of context from the Bible to support the same idea that Christianity/Judism is a violent religion - do you actually think you are actually establishing a point or pattern by reprinting out of context verses from the Koran that a misanthrope spoon fed to you thru his biased viewpoint?

at least TRY to come up with something original


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Listen champ, I'm looking for a discussion. Your response implies that I don't think Christianity/Judism could be viewed in that matter. I'm merely saying that I'm getting tired of the "peaceful religion" rhetoric. And as for originality, I actually said that I got those quotes from a book. I'm not plaguerizing. I'm looking for a discussion. BTW, your heated response to a valid point of discussion is exactly why Libs are starting to look really bad. Not that you're a Lib, just making a point....

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I have another question for you. You say I'm unoriginal for my post. Now I will argue against that all day because, as I have said, I was not claiming to have made a new insightful point, but simply presenting a topic for discussion (this is a forum: A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.)

So my question... how do you call me unoriginal, and then make your only response that I am taking the Koran out of context, and you could easily take passages from the bible in the same manner. Have you listened to or watched any form of debate on this issue? That's the trigger loaded response to my question from every defender of the great religion of Islam in the world.

By calling me unoriginal, you are in essence implying that you are original. You are not.

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