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Old 08-02-2005, 03:12 PM
scream1158 scream1158 is offline
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Default A rant about religion

This is my first time really reading the topics that are discussed on this forum, and I am interested to see the responses to some of these questions and statements.

I was raised a catholic and was forced to go to church every Sunday. I had to go through years of CCD teachings and received my confirmation. For almost as long as I can remember I was highly skeptical of what I was being taught. I asked plenty of questions that obviously had no answer. I will not go into detail, but I'm sure you guys have heard them all before.

I do not see the difference between religion and mythology. Greeks prayed to multiple gods because there was no reasonable explination for something so they created a god for it. For example, they had a sun god that controlled whether the sun rose or not that day, and if they did not praise the god, the sun would not rise. As technology and science knowledge has risen exponentially, these myths have easily been accepted as untrue. Obviously we know now that the sun rises and sets because the Earth orbits the sun, and because of the rotation of Earth. One thing science has yet to prove is how life was created. This is the only reason that religion can still be taken seriously. What if someday in the future science can PROVE that humans indeed evolved and Darwin was in fact correct?

When it comes to religion, pick any of them, people still believe what they are told with 100% certainty. Religions are based on events that happened thousands of years ago by primative humans. If the purpose of believing in religion is to follow a certain way of life, I can certainly understand that. But to believe that Jesus was resurrected or that Moses parted the Red Sea or any "miracle" for that matter actually occured, I think people are just in denial. They believe so strongly in something that it is impossible to convince them otherwise.

I have met a religious extremist who denied that dinosaurs existed because they believe God created Earth and the Universe and that Adam and Eve were the first creatures on Earth. (I could be off about the reasoning, but she 100% did not believe that dinosaurs existed.) With how much science has advanced in even the past few hundred years, I can not comprehend how people can still believe in God. One day science will also explain how the universe was created and the religious fanatics will still be in denial.

I am sorry to inform you, when you die, your dead. Done. Finished. Now only if with science we could prove there is no afterlife. But even if we could, I'm sure religions would just deny it.

Sorry for the long rant.
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