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Old 08-01-2005, 07:21 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 81
Default Re: Pooping in public restrooms.

I think there should be a certain level of etiquette displayed by all public poopers especially when a common fellow is only two feet away seperated by only a thin sheet mdf board.

i understand that noises and bad smells are inevitable but I strongly believe that certain people take pride and pleasure in pushing so hard that they risk popping a vein in there forehead just to maximise the sound and splatter.

Coupled with painlike groans these sonic booms typically proceed duck like quacks the whole unsavoury exhibition I can do without.

These people feel the need to perform, the need to entertain there neighbour with there hidden talent. To all these butt buglers out there who think this way we don't want to hear your symphony. I'm not saying silence but please no exaggerating.
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