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Old 08-01-2005, 05:50 PM
sng-sam sng-sam is offline
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Default my experiment-Your Opinions Please

Andathar's push fold philosophy got me thinking. What are the benefits to a hand like AA or KK during level 1 or 2? What are the dangers/cons of these hands at early levels. So I've come up with the following. This is all based on my limited (`500 11s 250 22s and 50 30s)experience at low buy in SNG's on party. What I THINK I know....

1. If I raise 3x BB (per Aleo's guide) I may very well get called by 3-5 donkeys one of whom gets all my chips cause he flopped 2 pair with Ax sooted.

2. Or...It folds all the way around and I pick up a t25 pot YIPEE!

So I started thinking. If raising is done to profit and to thin the field why not raise my aces and kings BIG and let someone who thinks that I'M the donkey a: come over the top or B: call with AJ etc.

Since I've started this I've been getting paid off on my big hands a lot more in the early levels. When I raise like this and everyone folds and I make t25 I'm not really worried cause it seems better than getting busted by Ax and it's likely that it was going to happen anyway.

Some of these statements may contradict each other but in my warped mind they are right at home.


p.s. I realize that this is not an earth shattering revelation so please turn the flame throwers down to low. And actually SHARE your experiences with this concept.
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