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Old 08-01-2005, 05:42 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 7
Default Re: Why do I suck at 10/20? (Long and cathartic)

in what ways did you alter your play

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1. Tighten up preflop. I was 25/18 at 5/10, and opened up to 30/20 upon moving up to 10/20 6max - I read lots of posts talking about how 20/16s get "crushed" at 10/'s utter garbage, you can be quite succesful with numbers that tight, and I spewed lots of chips playing too loose preflop while being unfamiliar with the aggression levels postflop.

2. Bet-fold MUCH less against LAGs. It's almost always more profitable to check and induce a bluff than bet-fold with a marginal hand, because these LAGs will bluff with nearly anything when they smell weakness. 5/10 bad players call with anything. 10/20 bad players bet with anything.

3. Corrolary to 2: check through more turns, especially in small pots, with the intent of calling a river bet. Again, marginal hands (maybe even A-hi), and especially vs LAGs.

4. Better table selection - I don't just fire up 4 tables anymore.

5. Get to showdown more - this is aided by 2 and 3 but is a general understanding that flop bets and raises mean much less at 10/20 than they do at 5/10, and my relative made hand value goes up accordingly, especially heads-up.

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