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Old 08-01-2005, 03:14 PM
SpearsBritney SpearsBritney is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default Re: How much money do you need?

I agree with you 100%. Most of us are nothing more than “climate controlled” slaves. I have come to realize though, that it has always been this way. It’s just more cleverly disguised now, which makes us much more efficient automatons.

This used to bother me to no end, until I realized this was the nature of human existence. In the animal kingdom, stronger genes thrive and survive, while the weaker genes quickly die off. It is this process that keeps the species strong. However, with humans, this process has radically evolved. Instead of the weaker genes dying off quickly, they are kept alive, and enslaved for the progression of the stronger ones.

Now some people will argue that our entire species benefits from this process, but I disagree. In my opinion, the relatively few that thoroughly enjoy their lives, nowhere near compensates for the amount of suffering that takes place in this horrible world.

It will never change, except to get worse. The majority will continue to suffer, while the elite few enjoy the ever-illusive pleasures that come with power, freedom, and luxury.

It is true that if you work hard enough, you can attain you desires and achieve your goals, but most of these are manufactured, and leave no real lasting satisfaction anyway, which makes me feel like they're not even worth the fight.

After years of severe depression and anxiety, I have finally hit “rock bottom”, and have subsequently been forced to, as Tyler Durdon so eloquently put it, “just let go!”

It has been three months since I walked out of my [censored] job mid-shift, and have finally spent the last of my dwindling supply of money. Consequently, I was evicted from my apartment, and am now temporarily staying with a friend. My plan is to move out to B.C., where I will live in a mountain cave, until I can figure out when and how I’m going to kill myself.
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