Thread: Dejected
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Old 08-01-2005, 11:28 AM
intheflatfield intheflatfield is offline
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Location: Dallas, TX
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Default Dejected

I am getting so tired of reading and studying to better myself as a poker player only to play well for a lengthy period of time (in a partiluar session), playing very sharp, builing up a large stack over the period of the evening, consistently making measured decisions based on reads and analysis, etc.. only to completley make a bone head play, the type which i used to make on a consistent basis, for no logical reason which would explain what the hell I was thinking.

It makes me think I'm doomed to be a donk, no matter what I read or how much I study the game. I don't know what's worse, not knowing how to play the game on a thinking level or just being blissfully unaware.

I know I am just over-reacting to a couple of recent single sessions and need to be more bullet proof, but for some reason that isn't cutting it for me this morning.

Sorry for the low content, just needed to vent.. Here's hoping that helps. Maybe I just need to step back for a whil.. I don't know.
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