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Old 08-01-2005, 01:21 AM
juanez juanez is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The Land of Oz
Posts: 41
Default Ghost in the casino (?)

I'm not a big believer in ghosts, the paranormal, ESP or any of that kind of X Files kind of stuff, but this was pretty cool.

I work at The Gilpin Hotel and Casio in Colorado. It's no longer a hotel, but it was back in the Wild West mining days. Legend has it that there is a ghost inhabiting the building. Her name is Lucille Malone. The legend goes that Lucille and her fiancé were staying in the hotel in the late 1800's when the guy got run down by some wild drunk guys driving a horse and wagon (old time DWI) in the street in front of the hotel and was killed. Distraught, Lucille jumped off of a 3rd story balcony, killing herself.

Ever since, stories of her appearing and doing weird things have been told. I personally know several folks who swear they have seen her, seen thing go flying across the room, etc, etc. Nothing really bad ever happens and nobody gets hurt or anything, just odd stuff.

Well a few mornings ago, the maintenance guy was going through the kitchen for the restaurant (named "Lucille's" in her honor) and came upon the freezer doors wide open and melted ice cream all over the floor outside of the freezer.

Security reviewed the surveillance tape to see who made the mess and sure enough. There are two doors for the freezer. You can plainly see both handles slowly come down and the doors open. Then all of the ice cream containers come FLYING out. Nothing else came out, just the ice cream. This happened very early in the morning, when the casino is closed and only security people are there. All of this caught on tape! Talk about weird.
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