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Old 07-31-2005, 07:50 PM
Hoi Polloi Hoi Polloi is offline
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Default Re: Ok I really need some help with table selection

I've been working hard at table selection. At 2/4 I think you can find plenty of loose tables most of which will be pretty passive and ABC in style.

I use the buddy list when I find really weak players and generally start by seeing what their tables, if any, look like. I'll get on lists for those tables if there are less then 3 non-buddies (i.e., TAGs) at the table already. Otherwise, I just let Party seat me randomly and keep moving until I'm sitting in a good spot on a loose table (4+ to most flops and/or table VPIP > 30%). As soon as the table style changes I move. I may move tables every orbit for half an hour or more before I find a set I like. Then one will be going bad every 1/2 hour or less.

I might be hot for the orbit and win a couple of big pots but I'm still moving if the table's not right. I may drop 10BB in an orbit, but I'm sure not sticking around to try to win it back if the table's not right. If the table's good and I'm card dead or running bad, I'll stay.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
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