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Old 07-31-2005, 07:26 PM
spoohunter spoohunter is offline
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Default Re: I May Be a Philosophy Noob, But...

Morality is the most useful lie we have ever told.

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Care to elaborate?


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By following moral rules, we increase our chance at "succeeding" as a species. I judge success on a single basis, existance. Existance is the most base, fundamental "good", as subjectively believed by our society. It is this way because the more we value life, the more likely we are to survive.

Since morality is a creation of man, it cannot have any true authority beyond the purpose it serves. For it to function, it must be held as an absolute authority. So we lie, and ascribe morality authority over all, with great results.

It is unfortunately ultimately flawed. As we become more rational we lose our inherent obedience to morality (as we lose our belief in religion), which is why it must be substitued for philosophy. Social contract.
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