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Old 07-31-2005, 01:53 PM
LesWormMurphy LesWormMurphy is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
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Default Re: My brain is fried....and apparently empty too

Pot size compared to the bet you must call is your pot odds. Depending on your outs, your pot odds vary. For example, a four-out draw (Gutshot straight draw) requires the pot to lay at 10.5-to-1 for a 1-bet call from you to be break-even in the long haul. So if your in a hand and the pot is at 11BB, and you have a gutshot straight draw, you can call one bet if your opponent bets because you'll be getting 13-to-1. If the pot was only 7BB however, you should fold. To see a chart of the odds based on outs, read Small Stakes Hold 'Em.

2. That is the only thing I've yet to add to my game. In a few days though, I'll implement that too.

3. Whenever you have +EV (positive), you should take advantage of it because you essentially make money every time you bet. So let's take your example, with the club draw-- you win 3/4 times, and you lose 1/4 times-- so if you play this out long enough, you are actually WINNING EVERY SINGLE TIME.

+EV is something that needs to be looked out in a long-run format. If you got nothing but hands that had overwhelming +EV every single time, your really winning money every time you play because your opponents would win on occasion, but you would win most of the time-- just like the game with your friend... he's basically losing money every time he plays that game.
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