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Old 07-30-2005, 11:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Help Me Get Laid

Yes, I am too embarassed to be asking this to use my regular account.

Yes, I do realize this is not likely the best place to ask for this sort of advice.

I'm 20. Average looking.

I've gotten laid a few times, but I would say that in all (okay, both) instances, I got lucky. Both times it was very apparent that I would get in, and no deliberate efforts of my own aided in this process.

I'm not a total goof, but I seem to miss the ability to get girls excited for me. I'm always the honest, kind, good guy. I'll be talking to a girl I like, feel no electricity, and then clearly see it between her and another guy. He's a player, she knows it, she doesn't want a player, yet she's swept off her feet by him.

I want to be that guy. I can always be a nice guy later, should I find myself especially attracted to a girl. I want to be able to twist them around my finger, not sit and wait and hope one of them will miraculously feel an urge to make passionate love to me.

I want to be flirting with pretty girls in the subway, not be seen as either background noise or a creep. I want to be in control, having an array of opportunities instead of having to rely on a few girls that I know that might go on half a date with me - they'll have dinner with me, or a drink, but as friends, because I'm a nice guy.

I want girls to want me, not appreciate me. And I don't want them to freak out (not the good way) as soon as they realize I want them. I know it's possible. I don't see it much, but I do see average guys like me pulling this off.

I'm willing to work for this. And I need every help I can get. I don't think you can learn this stuff from a website, but then, I'm at OOT now. If you know a good site, that doesn't sell thirteen-in-a-dozen not worth the money books, let me know. Any pointers will be very much appreciated.

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