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Old 07-30-2005, 08:52 PM
mockingbird mockingbird is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 84
Default Reports of On-line Collusion from Colluders Themselves

My brother just got back from an 8 day trip to Vegas. He mostly plays Omaha 10-20 to 20-40 high-low. And he plays some hold-em.

In an Omaha game at the Orleans he was sitting next to a guy about 25 years old who told him he is part of a colluding team. This guy said that he and 2 others all play in the same room, with different IP addresses and play Omaha 75-150 in the same game. They have a very wealthy backer. My brother said the guy kind of clammed up about the specifics of the financial arrangements.

The guy also said that they are aware of other teams and that if you are not part of a team you don't have much of a chance playing on-line at high stakes.

I find this very very upsetting. I don't play at those kind of high limits. I remember reading a post from someone who played HE at 100-200 and lost "in the high 5 figures" one night and was devastated. I bet he was cheated.

What does everyone else think about this? I am pretty horrified.

My brother said the guy was funny, making fun of older women who didnt know to raise with the nuts etc. I think he sounded like an arrogant, XXXX, fill in your own adjective.
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