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Old 07-30-2005, 03:50 PM
Depalma Depalma is offline
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Default Re: Please Read and Respond

There seem to be a few ares of concern here:

1. Are you addicted to gambling or are you just hooked on poker. You say you don't gamble otherwise, so you may not be a hard core gamling addict. Step away from the game for a week and from the tables for perhaps as long as a month. Study your poker books. Perhaps take the money aspects out of the equation completely for awhile as well. Play freerolls at the pay sites you frequent or try to find a free site where the play actually somewhat resembles real play. This will help to determine whether you are a addicted to gambling.

2. You win more often than you lose on the ring games and your post shows that you have tourney success. However, when you lose in the ring games you lose big and then chase losses and then play over your bankroll. Do any of the numerous poker books you have bought focus on the psychological end? It seems that you have major problems with tilt control. Your post suggests you have game, so during if you take the time away from the tables as suggested in (1), perhaps focusing your studying and training in this area will be of benefit.

3. Part of the problem with tilt control may be that you are consistently playing above your bankroll. This puts a lot of pressure on you. During the time away from the tables when you are taking a break and studying, use this period to build up a bankroll.

If you have no problem taking this break and enjoy playing even when no money is involved, you likely just love the game and not a gambling addict. If you cannot stay away or do not enjoy the game when there is no money on the line you MAY have a gambling problem and you may need to seek professional help for a professional diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

If you don't have a gambling problem, then when you do return to the tables, you will hopefully be refreshed, have learned to better deal with tilt, and be properly bankrolled. Stay within your bankroll and always play your best game and you will stay in this game that we love for a long time.

Here's hoping all works out for you.
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