Thread: God and logic
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Old 07-30-2005, 01:38 PM
MagnoliasFM MagnoliasFM is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 89
Default Re: God and logic

You have not explained what this "god" does, or is supposed to do. Judging from your post, he just sits dormant, and is indistinguishable from the laws of physics. From that standpoint, whether "he" does or does not exist in this "man-like" form, watching over us, is irrelevant. No?

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God is the ruler of the universe, he created you and me and wants to spend eternity with us in heaven. Because we are imperfect and have sins, he cannot just accept us as we are, since he is just and must punish sin. To solve this, he sent himself in human form to earth to die, become sin, and pay the price for us. If you really want to know more, read the Bible.


If not, what makes you so sure "he" exists, and what does "he" do for you? Does just knowing "he" is not an "it" make you feel better about your life?

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I am sure he exists because he revealed himself to me and he indwells in me in the form of the Holy Spirit. He strengthens, comforts, teaches, loves, and ultimately controls my life. Knowing that when I die, I will face an eternity living in heaven is the most reassuring feeling in the world.


Anyway, I'm happy your life is going well, and that god has revealed "himself" to you. Maybe you can talk to him about war, disease, poverty, famine, murder, torture, rape, etc., because it seems while he was attending to your needs, he has overlooked some very serious issues.

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God is all-knowing and all-powerful. He can't "overlook" something. Just because if YOU were God you'd put an end to poverty, etc. does not mean the one real God must do as you would in order to be God. The truth is, suffering in this world is a direct cause of the sinful nature of humans (greed, etc). If God's hand did not protect us our world would fall apart and everyone would die. If he wanted, he could end all of the things you think are "problems" in this world, but that is not part of his plan. Wars, diseases, and poverty are things that affect people's temporary lives on earth, but what is much more important is your eternal soul, which will either live with God or forever separated from him after your earthly body dies. If you earnestly seek the answer to your question, this website, explains it a lot better than I can.

Anyways, I am happy and you can be too. Don't just give up on learning about God because of some of your misconceptions. That would be a tragedy.
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