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Old 07-30-2005, 12:23 AM
Cosimo Cosimo is offline
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Default Re: Question for Economists

Eventually, Americans will own no capital. In other words. you will work for a company owned by foriegners and all profit will go back to thier country.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd like to get an idea for how far away this is. What is the trade deficit? How much is the surplus in services? What are the historical numbers, ie is the last year representative, or does it cycle with domestic and foreign recessions?

How much capital is there in the US currently? How much additional capital is produced within the US each year?

Given all of these numbers, we could project out how long it would take for no Americans to own any capital. Next would be to find out if there are counter-balancing trends that would start popping up when domestic capital ownership starts getting low, but that of course can wait.

I would guess that we're looking at hundreds of years before American capital ownership disappears, which means short-term effects have signifigantly more impact on operational (day-to-day) matters.
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